"Merry Meet and Blessed Be!"

Live Life and Love Every Minute!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Palm Reading: Lesson 2

Today I am going to explain the beginning basic of palm reading. Identifying the 4 major lines, palm shape, the fingers in relation to the palm, and what each type signifies.

The first is understanding gender. For females the dominant hand holds what they were born with, the other holds the things they have gotten and will get. For males this is reversed. One way to know which hand is dominant is to look at the middle and ring fingers and see if you can see a writers callus. Also look for scarring, cuts and scrapes, and calluses. These are usually more prominent and more pronounced on the dominant hand. However there are individuals, like me, who are ambidextrous, or they have no dominant hand and are able to use both equally. For some people with this, one hand is used more than the other with various tasks. I, for instance, use my right hand to write more but my left hand for other tasks such as eating. In the case of doing either of those tasks, though, I have no problem switching between hands (which made note taking in college less painful!) A good rule of thumb on this is that the dominant hand shows the things you can not control and less dominant hand is the one that tells the things that can come based on choices. The easiest way to figure out the dominant hand is to ask!

On the hand there are usually 4 major lines:
(1) Heart line
(2) Head line
(3) Life line
(4) Fate line
Not everyone has all of these lines and one hand may not have all of them. For example, my left hand has all 4 but my right hand has no heart line.

In relation to the dominant hand which ones are present? Are there lines that begin then combine with another? Do any of them meet for a while then separate again? Which lines are missing? How long are each of these lines? Do any of them cross? If a fate line is present, which finger does it start at?

Now look at the shape of the palm. The shape and size of the palm relates to the persons element. That is which element guides their life.

    Earth- broad, square palm and fingers. The length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers. The skin is usually thick and course. The type of people who usually have this kind of palm work with their hands, carpenters, construction workers, farmers. They are usually stubborn, practical, and reliable. They are most comfortable with things that are tangible.

    Air-square/rectangular palms with long slender fingers. Low set thumbs, the thumb begins in the bottom corner of the palm away from the fingers. The skin is usually dry. The length of the fingers is usually longer than the palm. These people are usually the artists, musicians, and the creative type. These are the rebellious ones among us. They tend to do things differently and can be shallow, cold, and spiteful, or they can be the talkative, sociable and witty ones.

    Fire- square/rectangular palms, short stubby fingers, with soft moist skin. The length of the palm is greater than the length of the fingers. These are the extroverts, the out going, charismatic ones. They tend to be spontaneous,  enthusiastic, impulsive, and can be insensitive. They usually are bold and go by instinct. Many politicians and leaders have this type of palm.

    Water- long oval or rounded shaped palm, the fingers are often cone shaped, tapering to the ends, with the fingers and palm being equal. These are the creative introverts, who tend to be moody, emotional, and empathetic. They are the quiet ones.

One thing to remember is that the lines of the hands change through out life and that one reading can change as the person ages. A reading one year may be completely different the next. Reading a child's palm is something that must be done frequently, and not done just once for their entire life. Children are sporadic in nature and they are still learning, their choices never follow a set pattern and can lead to major direction change from day to day.

Repeat this for the less dominant hand.

Blessed be,
Lady Alicee