"Merry Meet and Blessed Be!"

Live Life and Love Every Minute!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Beginning Palm Reading

I would like to begin a basic lesson on how to read palms.

The first thing you should understand about palm reading is an understanding of ones own hands. As you learn the ins and outs of palm reading it only makes sense to look at your own hand as you do so! Look at your own palm, how does it look, is one hand rougher than the other? How do the nails look? Short, long, square, round, chewed, manicured, these are all things to look for with another's hand when you read it. The condition, shape, and care of the nails can give you a good understanding of the person's day to day life. This can also help interpret the meaning of lines and folds. For example a person with rough, worn hands and chewed or jagged nails may work with their hands more, where as a person with smooth, soft hands and chewed or jagged nails may have a desk job and loads of stress. The length of the fingers overall as well as their proportions to each other. Is one finger really long in relations to the others, are they pretty even? Look at the color of the nails, fingers, and palms. These can be a general guide to overall health of the person. Pale palms and nails can be caused by low blood pressure, anemia, and poor nutrition. Pink palms and nails are a sign of good health in general. Whereas red palms and discolored nails are a sign of high blood pressure. A yellow discoloration can either be someone who smokes or a sign of liver problems. A good idea for that is to use your nose! Can you tell which hand is the dominant hand? A good way to tell is that this hand will be a little more scarred than the other, the nails will be a little shorter, sometimes it will be a little more callused. In the case of writers, or people who write a lot in general, the dominant hand will have a writer's callus on one of the fingers from supporting the pen or pencil. Are there any differences in which lines are on each hand? Does one hand have more lines than the other? Take your time and get to know your hands. My next few posts will be about learning the different areas and lines, names, and what they represent.

Blessed be,
Lady Alicee